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  • Nile Cruise & Cairo

    The Wonders Of The Nile – Luxor & Cairo

    Enjoyment you can 'bank' on at a price you'll love. The Nile, the world’s greatest and longest river, has been a major highway from Africa into the Mediterranean for over 5,000 years. Lining the banks on either side of the life-giving waterway are a succession of wonders, built throughout history, telling the tale of one…
  • Sights of the Nile

    Few rivers in the world can boast as many historical attractions as the Nile. Its shores are home to an uncountable number of tombs and temples, all painstakingly decorated by the Egyptian workers. It is testimony to their craftsmanship that many of these structures are still standing today. Viewing them from a cruise vessel as it snakes…
  • Nile

    Better Red than Med?

    A More Cultured Way To Cruise Yummy Mummies and why we’re looking forward to winter.   With that nice Carol Kirkwood forecasting temperatures in the mid-20s later this week there’s every chance that the sunshine has been switched on at the end of the inexorable tunnel called winter. Clement weather is the order of the…